Pfitzner Performance Gearboxes PPG has reinvented its ever popular GTR 6 Speed Sequential Conversion into a new billet slim profile case allowing new modern technologies and design principles to be incorporated to make this one of the most sophisticated sequentials on the market. The new case overcomes inherent flaws from OEM as well as allowing the easy integration of a variety of sensors to give the user the all the information required to get the most performance out of their investment.

It has been designed that you can convert your current PPG Sequential to billet!

*These billet cases do not suit H-Pattern*

Optional Extras :

  • Bespoke PPG Paddleshift Connversion
  • Oil Temp Sensor
  • Combined Oil Temp and Oil Condition Sensor
  • Input Speed Sensor
  • Output Speed Sensor

Ratio :

2.706 | 1.894 | 1.471 | 1.184 | 1.000 | 0.812


  • Inspection Ports for dog and gear wear
  • High strength magnetic drain plug
  • Dual ports for an oil pump to be connected to
  • Oil Feed Hole for Input shaft for oil pump return
  • Slim profile
  • Ports for input and output speed sensors


  • 1st-6th gears, fully assembled input and output shaft including selector forks and actuator
  • GM 26-Spline input Shaft
  • Heavy-duty hardened steel selector forks
  • Billet aluminum sandwich plate assembly with Speedflow Breather
  • Load Cell, Gear Position Sensor, PPG LCD Screen, PPG Mil-Spec Harness and Calibration Cable
  • Push Clutch


  • R32 GTR
  • R33 GTR
  • R34 GTR
Brand PPG Pfitzner Performance Gearboxes