The Paddle Shift Auxiliary Kit is designed as a hardware solution for integrating paddle shift with a sequential racing gearbox.

It is intended for use with a MoTeC GPRP-M1 engine management system, which comprises an M1 ECU and the GPRP firmware Package featuring paddle shift control.

This listing is for the pump ony.


  • The pneumatic pump supplies air pressure to the tank and is activated by the ECU with specific control of pressure including a pressure sensor fault fall back strategy.
    • If the sensor fails or is not present, the ECU can automatically cycle the pump to maintain a pressure supply. Excess air pressure is relieved through the pressure relief valve supplied in the kit.
  • The air tank and manifold supply a strong reserve of pressurised air for shifts. The manifold includes ports for all necessary fittings and a pressure sensor for the pump control.
  • The tank to pump pressure line comes as a standard 1.5m length but can be shortened using simple tools. It is included with the air tank manifold kit but is also available as a spare part.


 - Gearbox controller compressor pump

Brand MoTeC
Man Part No MOT31100