This listing is for a Motec M1 Development License  

M1 Tune

M1 Tune is the tuning software for MoTeC's M1 ECUs. It is very different to MoTeC's previous ECU Manager software so we recommend customers watch our training webinars to help familiarise themselves, and use the comprehensive in-built Help.

  • M1 Tune provides access to the tuning features of the M1 ECU. It is highly flexible, allowing multiple, customised screen layouts similar to the i2 Data Analysis software.
  • The program is unique in that it adapts to any customisations that have been made to the ECU via the M1 Build software. As Tables, Parameters or Channels are added, M1 Tune automatically conforms to provide access to these items.
  • It also features on screen logging whereby data from the ECU is automatically recorded for quick and easy analysis directly on the tuning screens.

M1 Tune software is free to download and within the program is a sample package for you to examine.


To ensure that you only pay for what you want, M1 licensing has been conveniently split into three parts. The three licences are firmware, logging and analysis as set-out below.


Together with the hardware purchase of an M1 Series ECU, MoTeC's M1 solution includes firmware which is purpose built for the given application. The firmware licence pricing structure varies according to the number and complexity of functions the firmware performs.


M1 customers wanting to replace an existing Firmware Licence in their ECU may be able to trade it in to reduce the cost of the new Firmware Licence. The trade in value is 80% of the price of the old Licence. Customers will only be charged the difference between the trade in value and the new Licence cost.

Original Licence cost $1,000
Trade it in for $800
New Licence cost $1200
Customer only pays $400

Like any other purchase, these transactions are completed through an authorised MoTeC dealer.

Important conditions to the Trade In System:

  • The trade in is available at the time when a Firmware Licence is being removed for replacement with another. Firmware Licences will not be traded in if doing so would leave the ECU without a Package.
  • M1 options can’t be traded in (e.g. Logging) – they remain with the ECU
  • Development Licences can’t be traded in
  • Orders cannot have Trade Ins only; a new Licence or additional options must form part of the trade in order
  • Trade in is not available for ECUs sold with Category or Partner Firmware Licences
  • MoTeC reserves the right to refuse a trade in for any reason
  • Trade in is for the Firmware Licence only; no hardware or activation is included.
  • If the new Firmware Licence costs less than the trade in value, there will be no charge but also no refund or credit.


The logging licence determines the number of channels and the sample rates available, as shown in the table below.

Logging Licence - Level 3 Optional 8 1000 Hz 2000
Logging Licence - Level 2 Optional 1 200 Hz 200 including diagnostics
Logging Licence - Level 1 Standard Fixed log set and rate


There are two levels of analysis licence available. This licence reflects which of the following analysis software you can use:

  • Analysis Licence - Level 2, MoTeC i2 Pro (optional)
  • Analysis Licence - Level 1, MoTeC i2 Standard (standard)


  • Latest generation high performance processor
  • Large logging memory, fast Ethernet downloads
  • Compact and lightweight in robust magnesium enclosures
  • Supports direct injection and port injection applications
  • Supports advanced logging features including Pro Analysis (i2 Pro)
  • Advanced security system, incorporating an anti-tampering microprocessor
  • Access log-in levels for multiple users
  • Suitable for modern engines with DBW, Cam Control and multiple CAN buses
  • Advanced logging features, high speed, multiple logs (with access logins)
  • I/O expansion using E816, E888 expanders
  • Flexible tuning software
  • Programmable digital input system for Ref/Sync, wheel speeds etc.
  • Programmable trigger levels, diagnostics
  • All Low Side and Half Bridge outputs have PWM capability


The logging licence determines the number of channels and the sample rates available, as shown in the table below.

Logging Licence - Level 3 Optional 8 1000 Hz 2000
Logging Licence - Level 2 Optional 1 200 Hz 200 including diagnostics
Logging Licence - Level 1 Standard Fixed log set and rate


The M1 ECU allows different levels of access for different users e.g. engine tuner, chassis tuner, data engineer, and scrutineer. Each user can have a separate login to restrict access to particular areas of tuning and data logging.

The M1’s advanced security system is based on public-key cryptography, the cornerstone of secure internet transactions, so it is virtually impossible to change the ECU function without authorised permission. Security is enforced by the ECU and protected by a microprocessor with integrated measures to prevent tampering.


The M1 series ECUs come with three configuration options.

Locked Configuration
A locked configuration is appropriate when an ECU contains specific firmware to suit the application. The user can tune the engine in the normal way but the ECU cannot be re-configured for another application.

Standard Configuration
The standard configuration allows the user to load a selection of firmware packages available from MoTeC. They incorporate different levels of functionality and the user can choose one to suit their requirements. Additional packages can be loaded into the ECU as and when requirements change.

Open Configuration
The open configuration provides a fully flexible ECU solution that can be precisely tailored to individual requirements. Third party developers can be trained to use MoTeC M1 Build software to develop their own control strategies.
Intellectual property is protected by the M1 ECU’s security system and remains with the ECU owner.

MoTeC's distinctive range of M1 ECU solutions

Targeted Solutions - We've done the configuration work for you, tailoring the ECU firmware to a specific vehicle or engine. In some cases this includes integration with vehicle control systems beyond the engine, for example, stability control, cruise control. Complete Plug-In kits are available for some applications, including any additional hardware and wiring looms as required. See targeted solutions for Vehicle, Bike, PWC or Snowmobiles.

GP (General Purpose) Solutions - MoTeC's GP Solutions offer the flexibility to suit numerous port and direct injected gasoline engines. Comprising of:

  • GPA (Advanced)
  • GPADI (Advanced with Direct Injection)
  • GPR (Race)
  • GPRP (Race with Paddle shift)
  • GPRDI (Race with Direct Injection)
  • GPRPDI (Race with Paddle Shift and Direct Injection)
    These variants that can be configured to suit a wide range of applications.

Development Solutions - Those who are skilled at coding can now develop fully customised control strategies at the firmware level, creating unique ECU functionality for themselves or other customers. Developers can build custom controls into an existing package, or create a new project from scratch. In either instance, the resulting firmware can be loaded into a single Development ECU or rolled out for customers around the world to purchase.

Ruggedised - Sometimes an extra level of protection for electronic components is required, such as marine applications or environments subject to dirt or dust. Our Ruggedised M1 hardware ensures maximum longevity under these extreme conditions.

Brand MoTeC
Man Part No MOT23102